Hello I'm

Scott Abramouski

A quote I live by is “Never do tomorrow what you can do today. Procrastination is the thief of time.”

Procrastination is your brain taking the easy way out when you are confronted with an obstacle. The only way to change this is to train your brain to react differently when you are faced with a challenge. Say “yes” to doing hard things and push yourself beyond your perceived limits. This makes you resilient.

The purpose of my online coaching program, The Performance Project, is exactly this. To take peak performers that face stress every day and teach them to become disciplined with their health so they can set the expectations for their family and  lead the people around them more effectively.


Twenty years ago I was a skinny, self-conscious teenager trying to find my way. Once I found the gym and started seeing the changes mentally and physically, I was hooked. I ended up studying Kinesiology and graduated from Michigan State and became a personal trainer. 

Since then I have worked with thousands of clients, many who are executives, entrepreneurs and leaders in their homes and I realize that most people don’t know what feeling good feels like. 

My wife and I opened M43 Fitness 6 years ago with every cent to our name and a relentless mindset to not only offer a top-notch facility, but with the goal to truly change as many lives as we could.  

As a leader in business, I hold myself to a high standard most importantly I try to be of great value to those around me. I believe when you surround yourself with like-minded people and hold each other accountable, everyone wins.

The Performance Project is the culmination of over a decade of experience working with high-performers, my intense passion for bringing out the best in those I work with and wanting to change the lives of as many people as I can.

Are you ready?


If you are ready to take control of your future, fill out the form below and I will reach out within 24 hours.